Google+ The Synchronetic ET, LLC Blog, brought to you by Etape Partners, LLC.: April 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Synthetically Induced Emotional Needs Fulfillment: Denying the boundaries of Real vs Manufactured Life Necessities

Synthetically Induced Emotional Needs Fulfillment: Denying the boundaries of Real vs Manufactured Life Necessities - How the forthcoming generations will derive social consciousness from non-traditional-faith-based intangibles, and the impending obfuscation of societal bindings: is this socio-psychological evolution? or the irreversible decay of mankind as a corporally relevant entity?

Who should we believe: Mr. Dunbar, or Mr. Ning? a social network for the connection of everyone? or the acceptance of that fact that our "tiny" brains cannot viably manage more than 150 "meaningful" relationships?

Think of social media as if it were a virus sent to earth by space aliens to gradually decay the historical underpinnings of society....its a very clever "sleeper agent strategy" that creeps up on you the way grass grows - you wake up one day and "suddenly" your world is different…..

Anyone see the Movie Avatar? What was the difference between the Tree of Life and the Floating Mountains? I'll leave that one with you all for a moment....

The history of mankind's social evolution was something like:
1. we were migratory nomads without fixed roots "tweeting" and "writing on face book walls" as we drew cave paintings and left rock cairns
2. after awhile, we settled down and joined communities based on common cultures, and socialized amongst ourselves. It was like "medieval Ning".
a. as this happened, we formalized portions of our culture to form a sort of glue. the recipe of this glue was primary based on a unifying concept of "faith in something or someone"
3. after awhile, more advanced social networks attacked our Ning villages and rode off with our prized possessions and people: we saw this happen with the migration from MySpace/Friendster/Jdate to Face book.
4. then, because we now had the ability to travel freely, and obtains sustenance at every stop along the way, we decided that while we still "wanted" to maintain a "home" of some sort, it was more important to keep moving, and keep increasing our social networks.
5. But we maintained "our faith in something" and returned to homes to reunite with "special relationships"
6. but over time, we found new tools that no longer required that we "return home". we found ways to remain connected to our homes without actually being there, and we realized that we did not need to spend nearly as much time at home as we had once thought
7. Social aggregation made our tools even "better" - RSS feeds, retweets, etc. Now, not only could I get "messages from home", I could get messages from anywhere.
8. information and messaging became the umbilical cord that provided our source of emotional nutrition.
9. Our basic needs fulfillment shifted from co-located procurement, to crowd-sourcing
10. we began living in the digital Mall, rather than visiting the Mall and then returning home. and why not? the Mall has everything we need: People, food, and most importantly, enough sensory stimulation that we are cognitively saturated
11. and now, we "thrive" because we are "aware" of everything, all at the same time. we are omni-present - thinking, seeing, and communicating with our entire world(" I see you")
12. and like a universal donor, hyper-connectivity binds itself to the "instinctual synapsis" that once were bridged by physically co-located contacts
13. but we don't mind, in fact we "like it". digital sustenance is soooo much easier to obtain then "the real thing". we don't notice that like a pharmacological opiate, our social synapsis our now bridged by a synthetic substitute
14. our needs, our motivation to find "what is missing", our desire to belong, our longing to connect and be comforted? all have been satiated through our new synthetic "social binder"
15. and what of the faith that was the earliest glue(and dissolvent!) of society? Faith as we once knew it has been replaced in the same way that checks displaced gold coins. we have faith that this bit of paper is just as good and useful as the "authentic original". and most of the time it is....
16. Faith2.0 is ineffable, at least for most people. Why? because they are so immersed in it that they cannot see the forest for the trees. But when will Faith2.0 come into focus....?
17. when it begins to fracture society with a force of passion - the way Faith always has. but there is a difference now!
18. our "emotional homes" are now Floating where do we run to when the factions of Faith2.0 begin raiding our new homes "built on foundations of digitally aggregated connectivity"....
19. we regress to a life before digital needs-fulfillment was as comforting "as mom"
20. we return to "core values" and whole foods.....but wait! a generation or 2 has transpired since we became a digital culture, synthetic is real! Grape Jolly Ranchers are "real grape" - my Face book friends are my "real friends"
21. you are in pain. you are suffering emotional distress. you are trying to feed your craving for hyper connectivity but you can't possibly supply enough stimulation when all you've got is "outdated physical life tools". you are withdrawing, but to what? you are of an age when you never ate a "real" grape. movies stars? synthetic, real? is there a difference? they all look the same on the screen. so what?
22. but the pain is so bad. your synthetic needs fulfillment, your emotional binders are gone....
23. "there is no God!!!!" what does that mean? your faith is entrusted in the "fact" that when you send an IM, you get an immediate response. your questions about life(and death) are just a few short "crowd-sourced" moments away. your need to understand your place in life is easily explained to you by your "friends" on face book.
24. the space aliens have blown apart society simply by unplugging the "faith generator" that fueled a couple of generations. you and all of your friends, who merrily bobbed along "high on hyper-connectivity" are now huddled in the corner waiting for the nightmare to end.
25. but it will never end....because to "end" is to suggest that things might go back to the way they were. but what was the "way things were?". what was that exactly? I mean - take a moment to articulate exactly what you thought you knew?
26. what was a dream, and what was a nightmare? are you awake or are you sleeping? is it night or day? is Bob your friend or enemy?
27. but now there is a something in the horizon. you see it in the distance....getting the sun coming up at daybreak. you feel the warmth as the glowing rays first hit you. it surrounds you like an embrace. you begin to feel hope. you begin to feel "like everything is going to be ok" YES! I feel good. the nightmare is over! I am feeling a new sense of well being and "life"
28. you do not question the source of this new, all consuming glow of "wellness". it is too good. and everyone else feels it to. the masses emerge from the dark corners of their psyches where they have been denying their dis-connectivity. they emerge squinting, and emotionally pasty-faced. there is laughter and merriment
29. people gather to talk about their ordeals, and how they are so relieved that "things are back to normal"- no one ever ponders the source of this new found sense of well-being.
30. but there is a source of this wellbeing. there always is. and even when we ask about things we cannot see or feel, we often accept explanations that are based on "trust" or "faith". so why should it be any different this time? who cares. I feel great!!!!
31. And the cycle begins anew. But you are not starting from the beginning of mankind. These cycles are iterative.
32. Quantum Consciousness is your new source of multiple realities – but the paradox is that you never decohere. You can’t. because you are not at a fixed point such that you are capable of making an observation of yourself relative to your own awareness.
33. Multiple Realities or All realities at the same time? this has nothing to do with “endless possibilities” and everything to do with your inability to focus your awareness on a single instance, such that you can derive and therefore articulate a single conscious reality.
34. You are not “mentally ill” at least as long as we might define Ill as something other than the common norm.
35. The irreconcilable paradox of human evolution is that our desire to evolve our cognitive perceptibility is driven by our ability for meta-cognition, but that yields the subsequent consequence that we believe that we have become something that we are not.
36. Only extremely impactful and highly focused jolts of agony or joy seem capable of bringing so degree of focus too our otherwise(and our unknowing) state of bewilderment.
37. Are you really lost if everyone is lost with you?
38. Are you “lost” if there is no purpose, destination or objective?
39. Untethered consciousnesses are not specifically ripe for Faith(as it has been historically considered)
40. Untethered consciousness will accept the first universal donor that produces the desired effect within us.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Augmented Diorality Deception(ADD)

Augmented Diorality Deception(ADD)– When a dioramic scene is used to create a backdrop for a superimposed user interface designed to aggregate an assortment of pre-existing functionality