Google+ The Synchronetic ET, LLC Blog, brought to you by Etape Partners, LLC.: February 2013

Monday, February 25, 2013

The Quantum Evaluation of Morality?

The difference between Right and Wrong is simply a function of the distance in conscious space covered during a period of time in which the consideration is manifested in ones’ awareness as they travel at some "moral" velocity along a trajectory established by the a priori knowledge of actions and consequences.  It is uncertain therefore where in a continuum of conscious space and time one will be, when an established point in time is selected for an evaluation of relative right and wrong.  And it could be supposed that until the wave form collapse of all possibilities occurs, one could be both simultaneously right and wrong, but with no quantifiable degree of certainty.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Being Right, is Not Good Enough

"Un-Rapt": “Considerations of Sensorially Perceived Immersion in Selectively Irrelevant Contexts and the Cognitive Auto-response that Catalyzes the Restoration of a Preferred Bio-Psycho-Social State Generally Identified by a Reconciled Singularity of Cognitive and Sensory Perceptions.”

"Un-Rapt":  Considerations of Sensorially Perceived Immersion in Selectively Irrelevant Contexts and the Cognitive Auto-response that Catalyzes the Restoration of a Preferred Bio-Psycho-Social State Generally Identified by a Reconciled Singularity of Cognitive and Sensory Perceptions.”

In other words: 

We often find ourselves surrounded by contextual elements that we feel don’t matter to us, but in many people, it has become a reflex to filter out all of the contextual elements that we feel are not important, thereby paring down our conscious thoughts and sights to only those things that we choose to take interest in, and this simplified, personal(sensorial/Cognitive) harmony, produces a state of consciousness in which we are most comfortable, or that we most desire.  

We need to care deeply about this concept because if we are the mass producers of “contextual elements” that are consistently visible, yet filtered out of a population’s real-time consciousness, we will not achieve our objectives.

There is a great “Allegory of the Sign Maker”,  who is so successful, that all of his neighbors buy his signs, until the roadsides are so saturated with iteratively more elaborate signs that two things happen: 1) The Sign Maker’s own sign is “lost” in the forest of other signs and no one can now find his store 2) Passersby begin to collectively associate all of the signage as irrelevant, and it ceases to remain( via subconscious selective filtering) part of the person’s current-state awareness ( a perfect example of this is Route 22 around Greenbrook….), and the combined investment in the dense forest of signage experiences an ever declining level of value

Improving outcomes of virtual reality based protocol execution through a reduction of cognitive disintermediation caused by non-instinctive haptic input devices and cognitively inconsistent modal model interruptions

Areas: Cognitive and Computer science based learning theory applied to business, education and health


Improving outcomes of virtual reality based protocol execution through a reduction of cognitive disintermediation caused by non-instinctive haptic input devices and cognitively inconsistent modal model interruptions


 A human brain assigned the task of completing a protocol is in State when it is processing through the modes that comprise the model.  The more that cognitive resources are in alignment with processing the modes, and the fewer State interruptions encountered by the brain, the greater the likelihood of positive outcomes in model completion.

            When models are developed for the completion of tasks using computer systems, the model is necessarily interspersed with tasks only indirectly relevant to the model that yields task completion.  However, the author of the model describing the task, will assume that the user is able to consciously insert the non-model related technology tasks as needed.  In fact, the fluid ability to follow a Modal Model protocol, while in addition processing the necessary(but indirect) insertion of technology tasks requires a great deal of cognitive resource, whether conscious or unconscious to the person performing the task.  As may be expected, the relative cognitive premium required to complete the model using technology, is a function of the performers proficiency with the tool, the intuitiveness of the tool, and the overall cognitive resources of the performer.

            In our application of virtual reality technology as a medium for education, communication, and task completion, we are motivated to render contexts for model execution that minimize the cognitive premium required to perform tasks that are not described in the model necessary for task completion.  In our study we look to articulate the impact on model outcomes when cognitive resources are preserved for model mode consideration.

            We will present a virtual reality environment that has been optimized for modal model completion and minimization of the cognitive premium required to interface with the technology.  Using virtual manifestations of the user(as a whole, or in part), minimization of proprioception, and replacement of inefficient haptic input devices, users of our environments will improve model outcomes through preservation and refocusing of cognitive resources.  We will deploy these methodologies into the contexts of education, business, and gerontechnology.

“Stalemate: How the alternating dominance of superior cognitive hemispheric bi-polarization is capable of neutralizing thought productivity.”

It is further  to be considered that hemispheric bi-polarization is quite often mis-diagnosed as Attention Deficit Disorder(ADD), when in fact, there is a very high level of intense focus on the complex assemblage of a construct, and thus attention retains it’s singularity of focus within the brain, but there is a missing “middle ground” which if present, would be the local in which the parts are summed and the construct is completed and presented


Manic Stability: the effectiveness of counter-balanced hemispheric bi-polarization

A common perception is that one with exhibitions of “talents” deriving somewhat equally from the Left and Right hemispheres of the brain, ought to have a significant cognitive advantage over one who is essentially polarized to the Left or to the Right.   The question that requires explanation however is:  does hemispheric bi-polarization create intellectual leverage such that the sum of the manifested bi-polarizations are greater than the sum(of 1) unilaterally polarized brain function?  In other words, over centuries, one who exhibited a wide array of “talents” that bridged the hemispheric gap, was often referred to a Renaissance Man: equally capable of expertly painting a landscape as he might be in engineering the mechanics of a watch. 


There is however a counter-point to the Renaissance Man ideal,  and I shall refer to this counter-pointed personification as the Neutralized Man: where the manic swings between the two polar extremes creates not an abundance of diverse productivity, but instead, produces an abundance of works, that when viewed as a sum, have little to no applied value.  Not to say that taken in isolation the workings of the Neutralized Man are not good, great, or even ground-breaking, what I mean to say, is that observed over time, the sum total of that which is produced by the Neutralized Man is far less when one uses a measure of Relevant Applications.  Even more damaging is that this manic bi-polarization can in some cases, produce a complete inability to combine the output from the Left and Right brain, yielded nothing but 2 distinct scrapyards of half-completed works.  And this is not to say that these half completed works have no intrinsic value, but it is to say that this value will never be realized unless the “scraps” from the cognitively dis-intermediated stockpiles are at some point assembled into a singular, cohesive, construct.  Similarly, distributed manufacturing is off things such as automobiles is quite common, but there always exists a functional model of bringing the parts together in a single location for assemblage into something of totality and value.  


But what of these stockpiles of manufactured parts, while intrinsically excellent when considered individually, if in fact they are never brought together and assembled such that they can be used effectively?  Clearly the assembled “sum of the parts” in this case, is worth far more than two sums, that had the potential to be assembled, but were not, and this would remain true even if the two distinct sums were each of significantly greater quality or quantity. 


It is therefore put forth in this paper, that the Neutralized Man, while perhaps commonly perceived, or even expected to produce constructs of great value, may in fact demonstrate excellence in producing parts, but lacks the necessary “centralized point of assemblage” that is required to turn scrap into manifested value.


Sunday, February 10, 2013

i don't know how well this is going to work, but I am going to attempt to upload a magazine article as a photo, then upload my reponse to the article in 2 subsequent photos.  Let's see....well it worked out just fine.  The initial font is tiny, but just click the image to get a larger version fit for reading.

I'm not dead yet.....

It's been some number of months since I last posted. To be superfluously precise my last post was June 2010.  So we are just short of 3 years in terms of updating the site with new content.

It’s really hard to say however, whether or not anyone read the old content.  In any case, no I did not lose my fingers in a typing accident (I heard that somewhere), no I didn’t “unplug, and go off the grid”.  What I did do was a tremendous volume of things that did not include updating this blog. But enough about me, I have something to post and will attempt it now…..  in my next post