Google+ The Synchronetic ET, LLC Blog, brought to you by Etape Partners, LLC.: ShamWow vs Healthcare

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

ShamWow vs Healthcare

I asked a Psychiatrist the other day 3 questions:1. How do you define reality?2. Can someone have more than one reality?3. What does it mean to have a Passion for something?
Questions 1 and 2 are relevant to other work that I do, but question 3 is relevant to the current topic in this forum
the conversation went something like this:Me: what does it mean to have a passion for something?her: Well, you could have a passion for dancing.Me: is it the act of dancing, or the way dancing makes you feel? Like dancing may make somenone feel good..Her: dancing would be your passion because it makes you feel good.Me: so its not really that you have a passion for dancing, its that you have a passion for feeling good, so dancing could just as easiliy be skiing, or surfing?Her: yes, that is correctMe: do most people just say "I have a possion fo dancing" and leave it that? or do they analyze to the core components like I do?Her: most people don't analyze.
ok. so. I just bought a ShamWow on QVC and I feel awesome. I don't really care about a yellow towel, but I got a rush from spending money with the skinny guy who wears a fake microphone. Hmmm, is there some other way I could get the same rush? maybe this is the key to Health and Wellness. How can we deliver to someone the same ShamWow feeling when they take their medication as directed? there is an anwser to this question, and its not silly. Our first mistake is to ever assume that we can reprogram people. Our first step towards success will be in understanding what motivates different sorts of people top act

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