Google+ The Synchronetic ET, LLC Blog, brought to you by Etape Partners, LLC.: Do You Mind if Eye

Monday, October 21, 2013

Do You Mind if Eye


If you are a virgin to this Blog, I suggest that you skip this entry, because as we all learned as kids “one of these things is not like the other..”
Breaking from Tradition( my own ), I am about to let the cat out of the box, and am naturally, and required to be, uncertain of cats ability to do much other than remain immobile, but a very famous Physicist said that much more scientifically that I have just, but this is no time for Science! This is a time for....well I guess science, but it’s a Left Brain-Right Brain death match, so unless you are Ambiceptual, you will only understand half of what you are about to see and read, so if you are cognitively out of balance, now is the time to phone-a-friend……
I find sometimes that the most complex, novel mashup of complex thoughts do not lend themselves well to classically accepted, academic prose. So here is a piece that I have written recently, that, if you have read at least some of the postings on this blog, will recognize is something of a tie that binds, or acts as something of a Meta-Conceptual-Abstract( MCA). An MCA of course provides descriptors for a concept(s), but in a way that is at least one layer of abstraction away from the topics under review. So, for the first time in the blog, I will put some stretch on your ability to conceptualize everything at once, and includes a picture, if you follow the link after the Analysis of the Verse.

It is true that an alter ego and I have a partnership in which we are Professional Fine Art Photographers, with a wee bit of success. The Art that we produce is derived from the writings here, which as you legions of faithful readers know is devoid of images. Well all of that is about to change…sort of. I have included a link to an image on another website. But as every good computer programmer knows, sometimes a pointer is most efficient. So a pointer you shall have.

Preface to Another Preface that Describes an Abstract

About the this Pre-Preface Describing the afore Mentioned Pointed to Verse

When we, well mostly my other ego, produce an art show, it begins cognitively, not sensorially. And many of the underpinnings can be find here, within the lines ( no, don’t go looking for tiny pictures!).

So here, represented by a not so tightly curated exhibition of words, is an explanation that will put your thoughts at least somewhere near the right plane of reality as you approach the Abstracted narrative. Ok, yes, I am priming you.

The Verse

Each Couplet, Triplet, or Compound is represented by an image that appropriately creates a sensory perception of the cognitive perception. However, as I have done in the past, I break the bonds between sensory and cognitive alignment, and then take advantage of this destabilization to imprint on the viewer of my work precisely what I want them to think. It is a very complex concept blending sociology, psychology, Philosophy, Quantum Physics and Evolution. How else to bring this diversity of disciplines together than by painting mental pictures with words, and by creating communicative imagery. The reason for the show is not to simply show abstract erotica, it is to confound the viewer to a point where they are desperate for answers to questions that may, or may not be answered IF they can follow the plot line. The bottom line: powerful human emotions and interactions are required to create imagery with enough kinetic energy to force the viewer out of their doe-eyed, brain-dead viewing experience. How do you do that: Morbid curiosity and voyeurism? BUT, I won’t make it that easy……I am making it more like a train-wreck that is just barely out of site and people are straining to see it. Or the couple in the apartment building across the street having sex on the couch but the curtains are ¾ shut so you think you know what you might be seeing, but if all you can see are feet, you will never know for sure. But we as consumers are trained to instantly discern the difference between authentic and fake, like a Louis Vuitton handbag for $20 on the street corner. If I create images that are not authentically derived, the consumer will see right through the thin veneer of “art with meaning”, and whether they are conscious of it or not, they will dismiss the images. This is why Sexuality and eroticism plays such a big part in this show. I can create that authentically (no, that is not a commitment that I , or anyone else will, but it is a valid stamen nonetheless), but I can’t exactly go out and start causing train wrecks. I have no issue with mind vs. body, but many people have not thought about it enough.
The genesis of most of my photo projects comes from the writings on my blog , as well as my unpublished poetry .  Because of the unique amalgamations of concepts, my pitch to galleries is that I will manifest cognitive complexity in sensory perceptions, regardless of whether the viewers perceptions are correct or not. My goal is generally to force a wedge between sensory and cognitive perceptions so that they become discordant. Now when your senses and cognition are forced out of alignment , it can be argued that you have 2 ethereal realities happening concurrently. Generally one is real and the other is not, but the innate desire for reconciliation creates viewer engagement, and ideally disagreements regarding the "right" answer. One side must be entirely pure in its base of authenticity, the other a synthetic reproduction often designed to emulate authenticity .  To ensure irrefutable authenticity , you must go to the source . If the concept in question is emotion, you must go to the trigger event. If you do not trace the authentic side of your presentation back to it's definitive origins , you are building on a house of cards . Thus the decision to go to the source of key emotions; their trigger events.

The pointer: Pointer